Loving Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara

better than sex mascara

The one thing that I can’t leave the house without is not my iPhone or purse or my ids but it is indeed my mascara! I just think that it really enhances your eyes features in a second after applying on and there are different types of mascara of that you can choose from, but the ones that I love the most are the ones that coats, curls and elongates your lashes like you are kinda wearing falsies.

Today, I am sharing with you my favourite that I am actually obsessing over it, it is the “Better than Sex” mascara from Too Faced, you can see clearly see from the pictures below, the before and after applying the mascara. It is really amazing and I  put like three coats only.

4 Replies to “Loving Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara”

  1. Oh my gosh I love this mascara! Looks great on you :))

  2. Ah! This is my faveeeee mascara. Obsessed!

  3. This mascara is so amazing, one of my faves! <3

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