10 Things That Tell You’re “New Money” or “Nouveau Riche”

10 Things that Tell You are New Money

Why “New Money” have such a bad reputation? I believe that there are certain types of people, not the majority, that can be quite obnoxious and not very refined in terms of their behaviours and etiquette. However, there are plenty of people who have made their wealth through hard work and determination and these people should not be labeled negatively or unfairly judged because of their success. Everyone deserves a chance to make something of themselves!

The concept of “new money” refers to wealth that has been recently acquired, often through entrepreneurship, investment, or sudden financial success. New money are known for their flashy lifestyles, extravagant spending, and indulgence in material possessions. While new money can provide financial freedom and opportunities, it also comes with its own set of characteristics that may distinguish it from the old money culture. In this blog, we will explore 10 signs that may indicate you are new money, reflecting a world of modern wealth and luxury.

Read on!

1. Too Careless Spending

New money tend to overspend without really thinking and find yourself in a difficult financial situation more often than not. New money families, due to their sudden wealth and lack of experience with managing substantial assets, can sometimes be careless in their spending habits. The excitement and novelty of newfound wealth may lead to impulsive purchases, extravagant spending, and a lack of proper financial planning. They may not have the same level of financial discipline and knowledge as old money families who have inherited wealth and are accustomed to managing it wisely over generations. New money families may overspend on luxury items, experiences, and indulgences without fully considering the long-term consequences or having a well-thought-out financial strategy.

2. Flaunting Logos & Trendy Clothes

New money often seek to display their wealth through conspicuous consumption, including flashy possessions and logomania clothing. They may indulge in luxury brands and items that prominently feature logos or brand names, as these are seen as status symbols and markers of their newfound wealth. Logomania clothing, which prominently displays designer logos or brand names on clothing items, may be particularly appealing to new money families as it allows them to showcase their wealth and affluence to others. Wearing these flashy and logo-centric clothes may be a way for new money individuals to seek validation and recognition, as they strive to fit into the image of the modern wealthy. These items may serve as a form of social signaling, indicating their financial success and newfound status. However, it’s important to note that this display of flashy possessions and logomania clothing can sometimes be perceived as ostentatious or showy, and may not necessarily be indicative of true sophistication or refined taste.

Rihanna in all over Dior dress with logos

3. Wearing Stereotypical Rich Clothes & Jewelry

New money often have a penchant for wearing stereotypical rich clothes and jewelry as a way to showcase their newfound wealth. They may be drawn to designer clothing and accessories that are associated with luxury and opulence, such as tailored suits, high-end watches, and extravagant jewelry pieces. These items are often chosen for their brand names, high price tags, and perceived exclusivity. However, it’s important to note that this preference for stereotypical rich clothes and jewelry may sometimes come across as superficial or lacking in genuine style and personal expression. True elegance and sophistication can be achieved through a sense of individuality and authenticity, rather than solely relying on material possessions.

4. Being Rude To Those Who Serve You

Due to their newfound wealth and elevated social status, may sometimes exhibit rude behaviour or often have very poor manners towards people who provide services to them, such as wait staff or customer service reps. This can be attributed to a sense of entitlement that comes with sudden wealth, leading to a lack of humility and appreciation for the efforts of service personnel. They may have a demanding attitude and exhibit impatience or rudeness towards waitstaff, customer service representatives, or other service providers, treating them as inferior or dispensable. This behaviour may stem from a belief that their wealth grants them special privileges or exemptions from adhering to common social norms and courtesies. Additionally, new money individuals may not have grown up with the same level of exposure to diverse social interactions or have had the same emphasis on manners and etiquette as old money families who have inherited wealth over generations. However, it’s important to remember that treating service personnel with disrespect is never acceptable, regardless of one’s financial status. Kindness, respect, and appreciation for the efforts of those who provide services should be maintained at all times!

5. Always Looking For The Next Best Thing

New money often have a tendency to constantly seek out the latest and greatest things to buy, rather than investing in timeless classics. They may be influenced by consumer culture and the pressure to keep up with the latest trends, leading to a constant pursuit of novelty and exclusivity in their purchases. This can manifest in various ways, such as buying the latest gadgets, owning the newest luxury cars, or constantly updating their wardrobe with trendy clothing items. They may prioritize acquiring possessions that are considered “hot” in the current market, rather than investing in high-quality, enduring items that stand the test of time. This mindset may also extend to their investment choices, where they may prioritize speculative investments or get-rich-quick schemes rather than adopting a more long-term and conservative investment strategy. While it’s natural to enjoy and appreciate the latest innovations and trends, solely focusing on the pursuit of the newest and most exclusive items can lead to a shallow and unsustainable approach to wealth management.

Photo: Netflix’s Dubai Bling

6. Throwing Money Around To Get Something Done

New money often have a tendency to rely on their wealth to get things done, preferring to throw money around as a means of achieving their goals. They may be accustomed to using their financial resources to solve problems or overcome obstacles, rather than putting in the time and effort to find more practical or sustainable solutions. This can manifest in various ways, such as hiring a large team of staff to handle mundane tasks, paying for expedited services, or resorting to lavish spending to gain favor or influence. They may see money as a means to bypass obstacles or speed up processes, without fully considering the consequences or the value of hard work and perseverance. This mindset may stem from a belief that money can solve any problem or buy any advantage, without necessarily understanding the true meaning of effort, resilience, and resourcefulness. While financial resources can certainly be helpful, solely relying on throwing money around to get things done can foster a sense of entitlement and dependency on wealth, rather than developing important life skills and character traits. It’s important to strike a balance between utilizing financial resources wisely and valuing the importance of hard work, resourcefulness, and personal growth.

7. Social Media Presence

New money may have a strong presence on social media, showcasing their wealth, possessions, and extravagant lifestyle. They may use various platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to create a carefully curated online presence that highlights their affluent lifestyle, luxury possessions, and exclusive experiences. They may post pictures or stories featuring their expensive cars, designer clothing, extravagant vacations, or lavish parties, among other extravagant displays of wealth. They may also engage in conspicuous consumption, flaunting their high-priced purchases and indulging in materialistic displays to garner attention and admiration from their followers or online community.

For new money individuals, social media can be a means to validate their financial success and gain social recognition. They may seek external validation through likes, comments, and shares, which can feed into their desire for status and recognition in their social circles or online community.

8. Only Going To The Most Expensive Places

New money often have a strong inclination to seek out the most expensive and trendy places for dining, drinks, and entertainment. They may be eager to explore the latest and most exclusive restaurants, bars, clubs, or entertainment venues, often prioritizing the price tag and trendiness over other factors such as authenticity or cultural significance. They may be driven by a desire to be seen in the “it” places and to be perceived as being at the forefront of the latest trends and experiences.


New money may also be more inclined to splurge on expensive dining, drinks, and entertainment as a way to showcase their wealth and social status. They may view these experiences as symbols of their success and use them as a means to gain recognition and admiration from others. They may enjoy flaunting their ability to afford lavish experiences and may seek out the most extravagant options available, often without much consideration for the value or meaning behind these experiences.

Pampelonne Beach in St-Tropez

9. Always Showing Off Your Wealth

New money may have a tendency to showcase their wealth in various ways, including through the ostentatious display of their wallet or credit cards. They may pull out their wallet or credit cards frequently in front of others to flaunt their financial status, often in a subtle or not-so-subtle way. This behaviour may stem from a desire for social recognition and validation, as new money individuals may feel a need to prove themselves and their success to others.

Kylie Jenner with Rolls Royce pink car
Kim Kardashian Shiny Silver Boots

While it’s natural to feel proud of one’s financial success, it’s important to approach the display of wealth with mindfulness and humility. Flaunting one’s wealth can create an environment of superficiality and may lead to negative consequences such as envy, resentment, or a lack of genuine connection with others. It’s crucial to prioritize building meaningful relationships based on mutual respect, empathy, and authenticity, rather than using wealth as a means to manipulate or control others.

10. Not Understanding The Value Of Money

New money may place a higher value on the things that money can buy for them, rather than valuing money itself. They may see money as a means to acquire material possessions, experiences, or status symbols, rather than understanding its intrinsic value and the importance of financial prudence.

They may measure their success or self-worth based on the external markers of wealth, such as designer clothing, luxury cars, or expensive vacations, rather than understanding the true value of financial security, independence, and long-term financial goals.

It’s crucial for new money to shift their perspective and recognize the intrinsic value of money itself, beyond its exchangeable power. Money represents a valuable resource that can be used to build a secure financial foundation, invest in meaningful experiences, contribute to personal growth, and make a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, the behavior of New Money individuals can sometimes result in a negative reputation due to their tendency to engage in careless spending, flashy displays of wealth, rudeness towards service providers, and a lack of understanding of the true value of money. However, it’s important to note that not all individuals with new wealth fall into these patterns of behavior, and it’s possible to avoid developing a negative reputation by being mindful of one’s actions and mindset.

To steer clear of the negative connotations associated with New Money, it’s crucial to cultivate responsible financial habits. This includes developing a budget, saving and investing wisely, understanding the importance of financial planning, and valuing money not just for what it can buy, but also for its long-term significance. It’s also important to practice humility, kindness, and respect towards others, regardless of their social or economic status.

Additionally, being aware of the impact of social media and the pitfalls of seeking external validation through material possessions can help in avoiding flashy displays of wealth that may come across as boastful or superficial. Instead, focusing on building meaningful relationships, contributing to the community, and pursuing personal growth can lead to a more fulfilling and well-rounded life.

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